The emails shown here document the acceptance of the final report of our Ecuador Water Project, now formally completed (April 2021).
From: William Stumbaugh
Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 1:10 PM
Subject: Fwd: GG1874107: final report accepted/informe final aceptado
Dear Friends and Supporters,
I forward to you the letter from The Rotary Foundation confirming the
completion of the successful Global Grant # 1874107, Community Potable Water
System for the communities of Las Mercedes y Palmar in Manabí, Ecuador. Thank
you all so very much for your donations to make this dream a reality.
The Rotary Club of Bahía de Caráquez has now completed seven of these projects
bringing safe water to the homes of about 1800 families so far... a successful
effort that would never have been possible if not for the goodwill of many
Rotarians, Club and Districts like yourselves.
Many thanks for your commitment and confidence,
Saludos cordiales,
William F. Stumbaugh, Ph.D.
President, 2020-2021
Rotary Club of Bahia de Caraquez
D4400 Ecuador
Rotary Foundation Technical Cadre: Basic Education and Literacy
Partnering for Peace, Board member
RPCV, Dominican Republic 1968-70
From: Susan Doxtator <>>
Date: Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 3:42 PM
Subject: GG1874107: final report accepted/informe final aceptado
Susan Doxtator
Regional Grants Officer | Rotary Grants
Tel 1.847.866.3397
Estimados rotarios Bill Stumbaugh y Craig Wesner:
Gracias por enviar el informe final con su documentación de Global GG1874107: Las Mercedes-El Palmar Community Water Project. La subvención fue patrocinada por el RC Bahía de Caráquez (D4400, Ecuador) y el RC Reno (D5190, EE.UU.). El informe y la documentación respaldatoria cumplen con todos los requisitos, y les felicitamos por el excelente manejo de los fondos y la implementación del proyecto en medio de una pandemia. El informe ha sido aceptado, y la Fundación dará la subvención por terminada. Les felicitamos a los clubes patrocinadores por el servicio humanitario que han prestado y les animamos a difundir estas actividades exitosas de su proyecto en Rotary Showcase. Quedamos muy agradecidos con todos los rotarios que dedicaron tiempo, fondos y conocimientos a la implementación de esta subvención. Sus contribuciones apoyan la misión de La Fundación Rotaria, que es de propiciar que los rotarios impulsen la comprensión mundial, la paz y la buena voluntad a través del mejoramiento de la salud, el apoyo a la educación y la mitigación de la pobreza. Cordialmente, Susan Doxtator |
Dear Rotarians Bill Stumbaugh and Craig Wesner:
Thank you for submitting the final report and supporting documentation for Global GG1874107: Las Mercedes-El Palmar Community Water Project, sponsored by RC Bahía de Caráquez (D4400, Ecuador) and RC Reno (D5190, USA). The report and supporting documentation have been reviewed and accepted, and we congratulate you on the excellent management of grant funds and ensuring completion of the project despite the ongoing pandemic. The Foundation will now mark the grant closed. Both sponsoring clubs are to be congratulated on the humanitarian service you have provided. We encourage you to share these successful global grant activities on Rotary Showcase. Many thanks to all the Rotarians who gave their time, funds, and expertise to implement this grant. Your contributions support The Rotary Foundation's mission to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. Sincerely, Susan Doxtator |
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The Rotary Club of White Plains is Club 5043, District 7230, Zone 32, Region USCB, Federal tax ID 13-6111471. The "Foundation of the Rotary Club of White Plains" is tax exempt, New York State #219346, tax ID 13-6165380. The Rotary Club of White Plains was chartered October 1, 1919, charter number 540. Mailing address: P.O. Box 1712, White Plains NY 10602. Website created August 2001. |
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