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2024-25 Club President
Amy Via

(Rotary's annual theme: The Magic of Rotary)

February: Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention Month
February 23rd is 'World Understanding and Peace Day' and also Rotary's Anniversary. Peace reigns when people are able to resolve their conflicts without violence and work together to improve the quality of their lives.

Today, Monday, February 10, 2025:   71 active members

We have resumed our in-person lunch meetings at noon on most Tuesdays, usually at the White Plains Public Library, but some on Zoom and some at other venues. Check the schedule below to confirm each meeting's location. If questions, email for information. Visiting Rotarians are always welcome.

Current club members can access the "members-only" area using their private passwords. Members can read weekly Bulletins, Board minutes, print the photo Roster, edit their own Profiles, check attendance, update the schedule, and so on.

Upcoming Club Schedule (?ucs=6):

Sorry, there is no program schedule entered into the database for 2/10/2025 or in the future...

Rotary Means Business is an R.I. Fellowship focused on helping Rotarians do business. Here in Westchester County, we hold monthly networking meetings open to all - Rotarians and non-Rotarians alike. Networking: In 1905, our founder Paul Harris conceived Rotary as a way for business and professional men to help and support each other in their businesses. He called it fellowship and mutual helpfulness; today we call it networking. In 1945, Paul Harris explained: "This new club was called Rotary because in the early days the members met in rotation in their various places of business so that they might come to know one another better.  The heart and soul of the first Rotary Club in Chicago was fellowship...
...and the original idea of mutual helpfulness evolved into the idea of general helpfulness."

Women were not allowed to be members of Rotary until 1987. White Plains played a meaningful role in changing Rotary's rules to admit women! Thank God we did! Here is the rest of the story. First women inducted as members by an R.I. president were in White Plains!

The first R.I. President to induct women was M.A.T.Caparas who came to White Plains in 1987 to induct Jo Falcone. MAT was a long-time close friend of our member PDG Andy Morzello who arranged the visit to RCWP. MAT passed away at age 97 in 2020. Read Andy Morzello's Tribute/In Memoriam to M.A.T.

In Rotary, we have no tolerance for racism. Rotary values diversity and celebrates the contributions of people of all backgrounds, regardless of their age, ethnicity, race, color, abilities, religion, socioeconomic status, culture, sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Rotary strives to build a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change.

The Rotary Club of White Plains is part of Rotary International, an organization of 1.2 million individuals from around the world and, consistent with RI's principles, is a multicultural, multiethnic organization welcoming all people. The Club has long been committed to diversity in its membership and leadership.

Our Club supports the recent, peaceful protests addressed to racial injustice and encourages authorities and community leaders to recognize the message being conveyed by these protests and to take all necessary actions to address that message.

Our members acknowledge that racial justice cannot co-exist with systemic racism in our institutions including policing, housing, education, access to affordable healthcare, incarceration and the justice system. We agree the time is now for consistent and concerted efforts to make fundamental changes toward finishing the work of achieving racial equality for everyone.

"To bring about change, you must not be afraid to take the first step. We will fail when we fail to try."
      - Rosa Parks

Every year -- even during pandemic 2020 -- our Rotary club is a sponsor of the Loucks Games, the largest high school track meet on the East Coast. We are proud of our involvement.

Report on the 2023 Goldberger 5K
The annual Loucks Games 3-day weekend is the largest Track and Field games on the East coast, attracting over 3000 athletes to White Plains High School. There is also a 5K road race, named after Rotarian Charles O. Goldberger who has spearheaded it for many years.

2022 Loucks Track Meet Program
In 2022, as the Covid pandemic was easing and in-person meetings resumed, White Plains High School hosted the 54th Annual "Glenn D. Loucks Memorial Track & Field Games." The program was dedicated to 2 Rotarians - Manson Donaghey and Josephine Falcone - who both served important roles as supporters of the Loucks Games. Check out these pages from the official program book.

We award scholarships every year to students at the high schools in White Plains. In addition, we make contributions to community groups and we support The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. Click for a contribution summary.

RCWP member George Koplinka joined our club in 1966 and became interested in postage stamps commemorating Rotary around the world. He soon found a rich history of different countries honoring Rotary by issuing postal stamps, and he became a collector. In December 2019 George donated his collection to our club. We have developed a photo archive of some parts of George's collection. It is found in our website "Archives" which can be accessed from the main menu.

The areas of focus for the Cookstove Project are fighting disease, saving mothers and children, and saving the environment. Of the estimated 2.6 billion families that cook with an open fire inside the home, 3.8 million people die each year due to heart disease and pneumonia because of the smoke. Children are burned by the open fire.

A lot of greenhouse gases are released to the atmosphere; 300 million tons of wood are consumed; 2.5 million acres of forests are cut down. All of this devastation, due to smoke in the homes - the equivalent of 40 cigarettes per day - could be avoided by a rudimentary cookstove, similar to the Franklin Stove invented by Benjamin Franklin 250 years ago.

The Cookstove Project involves teaching folks in Uganda and Nepal to make their own environmentally friendly stoves.
Click to open the Mengo photo story in a separate window/tab

Our letter was addressed to R.I. President Jennifer Jones. This is the link to the PDF letter.
WAR and PEACE (Our Letter on Ukraine)

We also hosted a public seminar on November 22, 2022, at the White Plains Public Library, with presentations from distinguished officials including the Consul General of Ukraine and the Worldwide Chair of UN Affairs at the Ukrainian World Congress. During their presentations, a sad video was played, describing the dire conditions in Ukraine: [duration 4:19]

"An Evening in Support of Ukraine"
White Plains Rotary hosted a fundraiser on May 17th, 2024, for the Ukrainian Students Education Fund. It was an elegant evening of food, along with Ukrainian music, song and dance from talented professional Ukrainian artists. The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Westchester Branch, was the honoree organization; Keynote speaker: Sergiy Kyslytsya, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations.

White Plains Club Links

Rotary International Links

The Rotary Club of White Plains is Club 5043, District 7230, Zone 32, Region USCB, Federal tax ID 13-6111471. The "Foundation of the Rotary Club of White Plains" is tax exempt, New York State #219346, tax ID 13-6165380. The Rotary Club of White Plains was chartered October 1, 1919, charter number 540. Mailing address: P.O. Box 1712, White Plains NY 10602. Website created August 2001.

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