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March 12, 2002
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We actually ate corned beef and cabbage, listened to Dennis Power's
real Irish songs, and survived Bill Ryan's blarney. |
April 2-9, 2002
New members inducted on April 2nd, and on
April 9th we had the pleasure of the Group Study Exchange team from Brazil,
who presented a flag to PE Margo Jones
February 5, 2002
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At the Interservice lunch, U.S. Customs officials
demonstrated their techniques using highly trained dogs to sniff out contraband. |
February 19, 2002
Westchester County Exec Andy Spano gives his annual "State
of the County" address to the Club. President-Elect Margo Jones is seated to his
left. |
December 18, 2001
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Annual Holiday party with our "Toys for Kids" campaign. |
December 4, 2001
Legendary radio talk show host Bill Mazur addresses the members. |
October 16, 2001
Dr. Gary Fetzer, Director of Communications at Mercy
College, talked about "Making Sense of the Middle East." Seated is President
Nick Wolff |
September 25, 2001
Annual visit by the District Governor --- DG Andrew
Cheng and DG-elect Bob Benson visit White Plains. |
August 21, 2001
Louis Capelli presents his plan for downtown revitalization,
including twin 34-story towers, to 100 attendees. His plan was approved by
the Common Council one week later. |
July 10, 2001
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Three new officers at the first meeting of the 2001-2002
year, from left Treasurer Arlene Giaccone, Secretary Ted Nygreen, and new
President Nick Wolff |
August 14, 2001 Dr. Frank McCluskey, Dean of Online Learning at Mercy College, explained
MerLIN, Mercy's Virtual Campus... simply fabulous! |
May 8, 2001
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Induction of new members. Harry Bright introduced Ann
Burton. Standing next is inductee Jo Dresner and sponsor Rosie Boone.
Secretary David Schribman watches. |
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