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    David Schribman Installed as our 97th President

July 10, 2012
David Schribman assumed responsibility
as 2012-2013 RCWP President

Outgoing President Neil Connelly hands
the gavel to our new President

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David and his wife Elly

From left: PDG Leon Horwitz,PDG Don Lee, PDG Karl Milde, Pres Dave, PDG Andy Morzello, outgoing Pres Neil Connelly

July 17, 2012 - Bill Lyons, a WWII P-51 Fighter Pilot, told us about his experiences during the War (continued from May 8th)
Celebrating Michael Baker Day
Pace University's School of Education, Center for Literacy, celebrated Michael Baker Day at our meeting July 24th. Mike read to 15 children from his new book, The Magic Business Carpet Ride, a story about 2 children's wish to start a business to help their parents who have lost their jobs and are struggling so much that they can't afford to take their sick dog Randolf to the vet.
July 24, 2012
Students listening to Mike Baker

July 31, 2012 - Pres. David's wife Elly was our speaker. We were enthralled with her presentation about Thailand
August 28, 2012 - Hugh Seaton
So interesting that we had him back Sept 18 for part 2 of "Doing Business with the Chinese and Understanding their Culture."

August 7, 2012 Dr. David Stillman (NYC Rotary Club) talks about PPAF's Clean Cookstove Initiative, providing bio-fuel cook stoves to families in Haiti

October 16, 2011 GIFT OF LIFE
Harry Bright, Cate Ndibe, Chizzy Ndibe, Georgene Mongarella - day before surgery!

November 6, 2012 (also Election Day)
A professional presentation on the Tappan Zee Bridge by Brian Conybeare, News 12 anchor and special adviser to Gov. Cuomo

August 21, 2012
Frank Felberbaum, author of "The Business of Memory"
October 2, 2012 - JANA LAIZ
has written a number of books including "The Twelfth Stone," an environmental fairy tale

October 16, 2012 Chizzy Ndibe Georgene and Bill Fishman

November 20, 2012 Architect Bice Wilson, "Placemaker"

Assembly 9/11/2012
Norm Szymanski

Assembly 9/11/2012
Alan Lowenfels

Assembly 9/11/2012
Heather Miller

Assembly 9/11/2012
George Kontogiannis

Assembly 9/11/2012
Andrew Morzello

November 13, 2012 Dr. Janet Dickinson "signed" her presentation about the N.Y. School for the Deaf... Fascinating!!!

Here's a video (only 50 seconds) of Dr. Janet Dickinson's presentation about the school's founding in 1817

Nov 15, 2012 at the annual awards breakfast of ADO, where our club won the Community Partner Award for 93 years of service

November 27, 2012 - Piano concert by two professional from Downtown Music at Grace: Irea Portenko and Svetlana Gorokhovich

12/11/2012 - Dr. Olivia Hooker recounted the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 (she was there). What a sad day in American history.

Tulsa Race Riot of 1921
- Between 100 and 300 dead
- Entire 35-block Greenwood District leveled
- 1,200 homes destroyed
- 10,000 left homeless
- Black newspapers burned to ground: Tulsa Star
    and Oklahoma Sun
- Dunbar Elementary School destroyed
- The district's library burned to the ground
- Six churches destroyed
- A dozen offices of dentists, lawyers, doctors
    were destroyed
- The riot proper lasted about 16 hours
- The mob numbered 2,000 (estimate)
In 1921, KKK membership in Oklahoma was greater than in the rest of USA

December 4, 2012 - WP Library Chief Brian Kenney on e-Books:
"The Good, Bad and the Ugly"

December 18, 2012 St. Nick at the annual Holiday luncheon

January 15, 2013 Biographies of New Members
Susan Yubas                       Jack Lohr
December 18, 2012 - Our annual Holiday Luncheon featuring music from White Plains High School
This year we had 2 performances, first from the CHOIR (all dressed formally), and then from the String Orchestra (what talent!)

Feb 5, 2013
Safety Commissioner David Chong

St. Patrick's Day Lunch with
Rotarians Nick Wolff and Bill  Ryan

April 23, 2013 - Harry Bright spoke to the WPHS Track and Field Athletes

This is a video (duration 5:30) of the speech.

April 23, 2013
Preparing for the Loucks Games

April 23, 2013
WPHS Students and Coaches

June 4, 2013 Retired Corporate Executive Jesse Greene spoke on the "Excellence of American Corporations"
February 5, 2013
Speaking of gun control...

Feb 12, 2013 - Francois Dubois (former U.N.) on Varian Fry

March 12 for St. Patrick's
Bill Ryan's stand-up comedy

March 12 for St. Patrick's
Dennis Power sings Irish tunes

April 16, 2013 West Point's Engineering Chair Stephen Ressler, PhD, PE gave a riveting look at education at USMA
May 7, 2013 Georgene Mongarella receives PHF

May 7, 2013 Bill Fishman receives PHF from Bill Currie

May 7, 2013 Carl Winterrose receives PHF medal

May 28, 2013 Rotarian Charlie Norris with his slide show of the School Board trip to China
June 4, 2013 Jesse Green

June 11, 2013 Scholarship Awards Lunch
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20130611 Rotary007.jpg (39761 bytes) 20130611 Rotary017copy02.jpg (383930 bytes) 20130611 Rotary027 copy02.jpg (304489 bytes) Click here to see the names of all winners in recent years.

Website comments to tnygreen@alumni.princeton.edu, please. Page last saved 06-Jun-2021. Today is 2/10/2025 3:19:23 PM ET