Norman Szymanski Installed as our 98th President
July 9, 2013 Norm Szymanski
assumed responsibility
as 2013-2014
RCWP President
Our new President (L)
is pinned and congratulated
PDG Karl Milde
Click on any image on this page to open another (much larger) image
in a new window (or tab, depending on your browser settings)
Norm giving his first address
as our club president
![](wp2013-2014Szymanski/20130709_Induction_19h%20Norm%20speaks_small.jpg) |
Outgoing Dave Schribman receives the
PP pin from PDG Leon Horwitz
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David questioning Leon about getting
the pin on properly
![](wp2013-2014Szymanski/20130709_Induction_15%20GTN%20looks%20on_small.jpg) |
July 23, 2013 ETHICS AWARD
Mike Baker bestows this annual award on Daniel Schlanger, Esq.
![](wp2013-2014Szymanski/20130723_08%20Schlanger,%20Baker_small.jpg) |
July 23, 2013 RCC
Sharon Irving from Cordlandt Manor Rotary explained the RCC of Keon
![](wp2013-2014Szymanski/20130723_06%20Sharon%20Irving_small.jpg) |
Sept 10, 2013 Video
"Lighting the Hyannis Friendship Candle"
Ted Nygreen brings the candle to our club (short youTube VIDEO duration 1:14)
![](wp2013-2014Szymanski/CandleIsLit_small.JPG) |
Sept 17, 2013 US ArmyColonel Josh Taft Intelligence recounts his years in Afganistan (father Steve is a Rotarian)
![](wp2013-2014Szymanski/20130917_Taft_small.jpg) |
September 24, 2013
Jerry Levine, age 84, has climbed every mountain in New York state
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October 8, 2013
Kurt Kannemayer on Mt. Kilimanjaro
![](wp2013-2014Szymanski/20131008_Kurt_at%20Mt.%20K_001_small.JPG) |
October 8, 2013
Kurt Kannemayer presented his excursion to climb Mount Kilimanjaro
![](wp2013-2014Szymanski/20131008_Rotary_Kurt_Kannemeyer_001%20copy02_small.jpg) |
Oct 8, 2013
Visiting Rotarian from Egypt
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10/8 Charlie Norris on our big upcoming event to package food for 500,000 meals
![](wp2013-2014Szymanski/20131008_Rotary_Charlie_Norris_001%20copy02_small.jpg) |
October 22, 2013
Jim Killoran, Habitat for Humanity
![](wp2013-2014Szymanski/20131022_Jim_Killoran_Habitat_small.jpg) |
April 29, 2014 - Mike Baker, Peter Herrero, Clare DeGennaro, Norm Szymanski
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April 29, 2014 - Peter Herrero receives the Ethics Award from Paul Bronzo, Mike Baker
![20140429_Rotary(Bronzo,Herrero,Baker).jpg (980486 bytes)](wp2013-2014Szymanski/20140429_Rotary(Bronzo,Herrero,Baker)_small.jpg) |
November 12, 2013 Author Victoria Humphrey on her new book, "Clueless Emporers"
![](wp2013-2014Szymanski/20131112_Rotary%20(4)%20copy02_small.jpg) |
November 19, 2013 CEO of Archie Comics Nancy Silberkleit
![](wp2013-2014Szymanski/20131119_Nancy_Silberkleit_08_small.jpg) |
April 29, 2014 Essay Award
Clare DeGennaro, Good Counsel High School
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April 29, 2014 Keynote speaker John Gallagher
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Nov 21, 2013 Interact Club
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Nov 21, 2013 Interact Club
Fundraiser (WPHS)
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Nov 21, 2013 Interact Club
Fundraiser (WPHS)
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Nov 21, 2013 Interact Club
Fundraiser (WPHS)
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March 25, 2014 Mayor Tom Roach on
White Plains "State of the City"
![](wp2013-2014Szymanski/20140325_Roach_State_Of_The_City_Speaking_small.jpg) |
May 27, 2014
White Plains Hospital President Susan Fox
![](wp2013-2014Szymanski/20140527_WPHospital_Susan%20Fox_small.jpg) |
June 24, 2014 This is Pres-Elect Heather Miller's last meeting before she will become the Club's President for the
2014-15 year
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June 17, 2014
New member Andy Barovick is inducted
by PDG Leon Horwitz, pinned by Norm
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June 17, 2014
Our speaker was FBI Agent Kirsten Ohlson on Cybersecurity
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June 10, 2014
Scholarship Award Winners
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June 10, 2014 - Scholarship Luncheon Photos
![20140610_Scholarship_Luncheon_05.jpg (56187 bytes)](scholarships/20140610_Scholarship_Luncheon_05_small.jpg)
![20140610_Scholarship_Luncheon_08.jpg (64737 bytes)](scholarships/20140610_Scholarship_Luncheon_08_small.jpg)
![20140610_Scholarship_Luncheon_09.jpg (60920 bytes)](scholarships/20140610_Scholarship_Luncheon_09_small.jpg) |
June 24, 2014
The White Plains Rotary Club Seersucker Quartet! Featuring Leon Horwitz, Chauncey Walker, Bice
Wilson and Mary T. Rahe
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June 24, 2014 - President Norm Szymanski presents a check for over $4000 to Gift of Life
Chair, Bill Currie. Also Leon Horwitz
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June 24, 2014
Speaker Michael Kaplowitz is Chair of the Westchester County Board of Legislators
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