Meet Glen Hockley
By: White Plains Times
Published: July 21, 2006
By Michael Pellegrin
Councilman Glen Hockley fancies himself a “Truman/Lieberman Democrat.” A
little grandiose, or tongue-in-cheek, perhaps, for a local politician? Not
at all, Hockley says. He tries to find role models “that do not cave into
political leverage” and that “keep the priority on the people,” and these
two Democrats, past and present, fit that bill, he said in a recent
interview. “When one is elected, one does not represent those of their
particular party, but everyone,” he said. “I do believe in my party’s
‘planks of the platform,’ ” he said, “but only in positive action, not the
rhetoric that only tears down.” 
Hockley, 53, was born in the Bronx to Frank and Ruth Hockley. Frank
Hockley, a German Jewish refugee, arrived in the United States in 1936 and
served during World War II, including fighting in the Battle of the Bulge.
Ruth Hockley was a Holocaust survivor who “finally found freedom on our
shores in 1945,” Hockley said. Ruth Hockley still pays tribute to a German
Christian family, the Tietjens, who hid her and her parents in a barn for
two years. A well-known retired fashion designer, she spends time
volunteering to help Russian immigrants become acclimated to the U.S., and
she is active with the American Friends of The Open University of Israel.
Hockley said the death of his father when Hockley was 19 years old was
one of the saddest days of his life. Hockley regrets that his father missed
his college graduation, his marriage, and the birth of his son, Max, now 17.
Hockley graduated from Husson College in Bangor, Me., with a bachelor of
science degree in marketing. After graduation, Hockley worked in domestic
clothing manufacturing for over 20 years, much of it as vice president and
partner in Miss Fashionality.
After “changes in our economy and industry” led Hockley to decide on a
career change, he moved to White Plains in 1987 “and found a city that had
it all.” Hockley said he found White Plains to be “a wholesome place to
bring up a family that was diverse in many ways and that had culture, class,
and most importantly a place I could call home.” Hockley continued to plant
roots in the city, founding the “Hunger No More” program, which did food
collections to assist and support The Westchester Coalition for the Hungry
and Homeless. Hockley said that the program will be starting up again thanks
to fellow Councilman Arnold Bernstein and to Frank Williams, chairman and
executive director, respectively, of the White Plains Youth Bureau. Hockley
is currently marketing director for a collection agency in White Plains, a
position he has held for 11 years.
Hockley has been married to Melody Hockley for five years. She is an
elementary school teacher, also specializing in English as a Second Language
instruction and “Literacy Through Music.” Melody Hockley also volunteers at
the Lighthouse, helping people with sight afflictions, and helps with
fundraising for breast cancer research and for the White Plains Performing
Arts Center.
After devoting time to Hunger No More and other
endeavors, Hockley decided to enter the realm of local politics and became a
Democratic district leader in 1995. “I thought getting involved in this
fashion would give me a greater opportunity to do more in assisting others,”
he said. The first issue he became involved in was when the Arcade was
potentially coming to the Galleria Mall. “Thanks to a broad coalition of
caring people,” Hockley said, “we were able to turn the Common Council’s
vote around and stop it from being approved.”
In 2001, Hockley began serving on the Common Council after apparently
unseating Republican incumbent Larry Delgado by 47 votes. A jammed voting
machine was discovered at George Washington School, however, and after a
protracted legal fight that went all the way to the New York State Court of
Appeals—where Hockley’s right to the seat was unanimously upheld—he was
removed from office on a quo warranto action by Attorney General Eliot
Spitzer. In his two and a half years on the Common Council, though, Hockley
said he was able to “accomplish a great many things. I was able to start
many wonderful new initiatives, but none could have taken place without
communicating often and constructively with residents, achieving
bipartisanship and a consensus with my colleagues on the Common Council.”
Hockley and Delgado are now friends, Hockley said, likening the two to “two
gladiators” whose battle is now over.
Before being removed from office, Hockley sponsored the “grant writer
bill,” which was passed unanimously and has brought over $5 million to city
coffers, Hockley said. “This was a creative idea to lessen the burden of our
city taxpayers,” he added. Hockley also sponsored what he called “the
apprenticeship bill,” which gives “another option in education and career
for our young people to learn the skills of a trade.” Hockley is also proud
of his role as founder or co-founder of several city celebrations and
services, including the Juneteenth Parade and Festival, which had its second
successful installment in June; the city’s Flag Day celebration; the “Bark
Park” on Brockway Place; and the Safe Housing Task Force. He is also proud
of “Citizens to be Heard,” which he said he initiated jointly with the late
Councilman Robert Greer, and which allows citizens to address the Common
Council and mayor before each monthly Common Council meeting.
Hockley won his current seat on the Common Council in 2005, and said he
is currently pushing several initiatives, some of which he brought up during
his campaign. These initiatives, which he said he will continue to promote
“until they become reality,” include increasing low- and middle-income
housing, coming up with creative means to offset the city tax burden,
strengthening and expanding relations between the Common Council and the
Board of Education, pushing for green technology, and establishing a hiring
hall for day laborers.
Hockley said that “networking is the key to life, and I’m quite excellent
at it.” Hockley has breakfast with a different citizen or acquaintance each
day, and prides himself on getting things done for people, whether it’s
referring them to some further help or helping them find employment. While
Hockley is pleased with all the new businesses in White Plains and the
“reason to come downtown” they provide to residents (“movie theaters,
Broadway entertainment, great restaurants”), he thinks the city should do
more to attract new businesses and new types of businesses, in part to
provide new job opportunities for residents, and especially for residents in
Section 8 and other low-income housing. He thinks the city could use a party
center for children’s birthday parties and other events—preferably one that
doesn’t “lean to boys so much” like other businesses he’s encountered—and
while there are great restaurants in the city, Hockley pointed out that the
city still needs a good soul food establishment and a glatt kosher
restaurant that could cater to the city’s Orthodox Jewish population,
although Hockley said the city does boast a good “Orthodox-style”
Hockley said the city and its residents have much to gain from the new
development downtown. “An agreement is only good if it’s good for all
parties,” Hockley said, and this applies to zoning amendments granted after
projects are approved. Speaking specifically of the Residences at the Ritz
Carlton, the two-tower project currently under construction on Main Street,
for which developer Louis Cappelli was recently granted zoning amendments by
the Common Council—with Hockley joining the majority in granting the
amendments—he said that “since all the additional square footage was
internal, it allows the business entity to offer more for the city. It
enables the city to have another large taxpaying entity on its tax rolls, a
great hotel of international acclaim, a long-awaited restaurant on top of
Westchester, and a public state-of-the-art spa. What more could one ask to
keep our city exciting and alive?”
“Most people, I feel, are for a progressive downtown, but there exists a
pocket of folks that wish to keep White Plains the way it was 20 years ago.”
Hockley said he believes in Truman’s “simple concept that after all the
information and ideas are in, ‘The Buck Stops Here.’ The Council makes the
decision. I believe most residents enjoy the benefits of progress and what
has happened to their property values. Herb Brooks (the former U.S. Olympic
hockey coach) said ‘great moments come from great opportunity.’ Let’s not
miss the opportunity.” |