RCWP Award Winners RCWP
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Scholarship Winners Through the years...

Our Scholarship Program

In 1961, under the leadership of Dr. Morton Flaherty, our club established the Scholarship Foundation to manage a fund for college-bound graduates of Archbishop Stepinac High School, Good Counsel Academy and White Plains High School.

The Foundation of the Rotary Club of White Plains has grown over the years. Some of the named scholarships honor particular Rotarians and individuals that made the award possible. Others were created temporarily as a tribute to a member who served the club in an exceptional way. Those shown with 3 asterisks (***) are currently inactive.

Click here to open a window describing the scholarships!

1Test NygreenWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
1 awards
1Chung Xin (Jerry) ChenWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
2Sergio J. CollanaWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
3Ryleigh FalveyWPHSJohn W. Ruger Scholarship 
4Sophia FarrellWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
5Kelly Lopez FloresWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
6Alicia GarciaWPHSStephen Thorp Scholarship 
7Daniel Isaac HaganWPHSHenry O. Mertens Scholarship 
8Samantha MendozaWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
9Natasha RappaWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
10Anneliese P ReggioWPHSMichelle and Michael Mooney Scholarship 
11Justin SajiStepinacRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
12Abigail Tapia SanchezWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
13Patrick StantonWPHSWPHS Music Awards 
14Adam TorresWPHSThomas W. Bachman Scholarship 
15Ingrid G Vazquez VelazquezWPHSEdward Anderberg Scholarship 
16Kei WatanabeWPHSWPHS Music Awards 
17Jennifer ZhininWPHSRalph E. Penny Memorial Scholarship 
17 awards
1Rusel Adriano FuentesWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
2Letisha BakerWPHSMichelle and Michael Mooney Scholarship 
3Chantal CastilloWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
4Charleine DhaitiWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
5Mateo GonzalezWPHSEdward Anderberg Scholarship 
6Britney Gramajo BarriosWPHSThomas W. Bachman Scholarship 
7Erin HoganWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
8Helenith JuradoWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
9Domenica LargoWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
10Jean Paul MartinWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
11Zaida PolancoWPHSHenry O. Mertens Scholarship 
12Mia PrioreWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
13Gabriella RamirezWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
14Carlos SanchezWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
15Julissa SanchezWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
16Charlotte SavignyWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
17Rene SerranoWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
18Colin SmithWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
19Melissa SotoWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
20Rina StanghelliniWPHSStephen Thorp Scholarship 
21Michelle TandozoWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
22Marisa ThompsonWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
23Abigail TsuliWPHSJohn W. Ruger Scholarship 
23 awards
1Gabrielle AbatoWPHSWPHS Music Awards 
2Lauren AzrinWPHSStephen Thorp Scholarship 
3Fiona BradleyWPHSJohn W. Ruger Scholarship 
4Maria BuriticaWPHSHenry O. Mertens Scholarship 
5Christopher CardenasWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
6Cassandra CastilloWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
7Makayla DawsonWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
8Danielle FurryWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
9Naydelin GarciaWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
10Luz Fatima Garcia RodriguezWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
11Victoria HagenWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
12Violet HamlinWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
13Sydnbey LonkerWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
14Amy MandelbaumWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
15Samantha MartinezWPHSWPHS Music Awards 
16Billy MerchanWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
17Jade Palmer-JohnsonWPHSMichelle and Michael Mooney Scholarship 
18Ysenia RolonWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
19Marina RosenthalWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
20Cayla RossWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
21Sarah SanzebinWPHSThomas W. Bachman Scholarship 
22Raquel SarigWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
23Shawn VembenilWPHSEdward Anderberg Scholarship 
24Ayden WilliamsWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
24 awards
1Sara AmelloWPHSThomas W. Bachman Scholarship 
2Isabella ArredondoWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
3Stephen BuckleyStepinacRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
4Stephen BurneyWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
5Gisselle CoatlWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
6Jose Antonio Contreras ColderonWPHSStephen Thorp Scholarship 
7Camila De ValenciaWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
8Katherine GarciaWPHSJohn and Gloria Bronzo Scholarship ***
9Jordan GarciaWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
10Guerdyna GelinWPHSMichelle and Michael Mooney Scholarship 
11Janai GoodmanWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
12Matthew HalasStepinacHenry O. Mertens Scholarship 
13Laura HuancaWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
14Yasmine Huanca-TorresWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
15Elizabeth IgnaszewskiWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
16Joshin JohnkuttyStepinacEdward Anderberg Scholarship 
17Taylor JohnsonWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
18Daniela Lopez MelendezWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
19Paola MaganaWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
20Phoebe MarwillWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
21David OspinaWPHSWPHS Music Awards 
22Jillian Christina PopeWPHSJohn W. Ruger Scholarship 
23Marlee ReinmuthWPHSWPHS Music Awards 
24Shannon RogersWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
25John Peter RomeroWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
26Karen SisaWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
26 awards
1Andre BragaStepinacMichelle and Michael Mooney Scholarship 
2Katelyn CecereWPHSStephen Thorp Scholarship 
3Christopher ChanWPHSWPHS Music Awards 
4Ariana ChungaWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
5Nicole ContrerasWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
6Alison Grace CunneyWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
7Jacob FurryWPHSThomas W. Bachman Scholarship 
8Sara Tomayo GarciaWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
9Kayla HamWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
10Michael HuebnerWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
11Aine HuntWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
12Isabela KentWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
13Henry McCants VWPHSHenry O. Mertens Scholarship 
14Mia MorrisonWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
15Michelle Mahecha PerezWPHSEdward Anderberg Scholarship 
16Kristina RadulovicWPHSJohn W. Ruger Scholarship 
17Yaismin Dominguez RamirezWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
18Lucia RhodeWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
19Nayeli SarmientoWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
20Winta ThompsonWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
21Aaron WeinerWPHSWPHS Music Awards 
21 awards
1Christian AguilarWPHSEdward Anderberg Scholarship 
2Nicolette BeneventoWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
3Samantha CarranzaWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
4Natalia CastanoWPHSHenry O. Mertens Scholarship 
5Dylan CastroStepinacMichelle and Michael Mooney Scholarship 
6Ben CovelloWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
7Brian DervinStepinacRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
8Robert EatmonWPHSWPHS Music Awards 
9Brooke FalveyWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
10Diego GallegoWPHSStephen Thorp Scholarship 
11Joana GjeciWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
12Teresita GrossWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
13Ethan KlipsteinWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
14Lowell KlipsteinWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
15Abigail LeoneWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
16Kelly MarxWPHSThomas W. Bachman Scholarship 
17Christiane RathsackWPHSWPHS Music Awards 
18Brian Reyes-MartinezWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
19Flavia RojasWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
20Pacheco SayuriWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
21Jennifer SierraWPHSJohn W. Ruger Scholarship 
22Maya SousaWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
23Jaclyn TungWPHSGeorgene Mongarella Scholarship ***
24Christopher VelezWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
24 awards
1Julia BallantoniWPHSWPHS Music Awards 
2Carolina Cardozo-JacquetWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
3Sarah CassidyWPHSGeorgene Mongarella Scholarship ***
4Ernik DokajWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
5Nicole EscobedoWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
6Zixiong FengWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
7Miguel GomezWPHSAndrew Morzello Scholarship ***
8Elana HausknechtWPHSWPHS Music Awards 
9Daniel HidalgoWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
10Edwin HidalgoWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
11William JordanWPHSStephen Thorp Scholarship 
12Ruba KhanWPHSThomas W. Bachman Scholarship 
13Katherine Martinez-ValdezWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
14Elisa Mateo-SajaWPHSHenry O. Mertens Scholarship 
15Gabriella Paese NobileWPHSJosephine Falcone Scholarship ***
16Ximena Galvan OlveraWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
17Izayah PowellWPHSEdward Anderberg Scholarship 
18Domenico ProcopioWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
19Princess Joy RacadioWPHSMichelle and Michael Mooney Scholarship 
20Evelyn Lopez RodriguezWPHSRichard Scanlan Scholarship ***
21Julisa SandovalWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
22Harshal ShetWPHSJohn W. Ruger Scholarship 
23Kieran TironeWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
24Julianne TungWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
25Evelyne VelezWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
25 awards
1Jacob BradyWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
2Brandon CabaleiroStepinacHenry O. Mertens Scholarship 
3Alex FiallosStepinacRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
4Cardon FurryWPHSMichelle and Michael Mooney Scholarship 
5Brian GomezWPHSThomas W. Bachman Scholarship 
6Marissa GrandeWPHSEdward Anderberg Scholarship 
7Amanda GrantWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
8Jacob HarelickWPHSWPHS Music Awards 
9Sinead HuntWPHSStephen Thorp Scholarship 
10Rasheed KalilStepinacJohn W. Ruger Scholarship 
11Mariana Lopez-GonzalezWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
12Josephine MercadoWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
13Madison SacramoneWPHSGeorgene Mongarella Scholarship ***
14Samira SalameWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
15Sarah SamaranayakeWPHSWPHS Music Awards 
16Sarah SiebesWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
17Wilmer SiguenciaWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
18Katherine SuquiWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
19Paul TerminelloStepinacRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
20Austin TrejosWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
21Diego ZamataWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
21 awards
1Elizabeth AguilarWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
2Valerie AlexanderWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
3Sharon AmaroWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
4Alisa ChoubayWPHSEdward Anderberg Scholarship 
5Ashley DacostaGood CounselHenry O. Mertens Scholarship 
6Joseph DeSanctisStepinacRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
7Rizza EstacioWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
8Anthony FanteWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
9Corinne FischerWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
10Jose Huerta VidalsWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
11Raina KadavilWPHSThomas W. Bachman Scholarship 
12Stephanie MauriWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
13William McTeigue (Violin)WPHSWPHS Music Awards 
14Jocelyn NietoWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
15Anthony PanatStepinacRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
16Isabelle PhilippeWPHSJohn A. Ramsdell Scholarship ***
17Melissa PreudhommeWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
18Danielle ReggioWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
19Francisco RiosWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
20Cesar RojasWPHSIra J. Bernstein Scholarship ***
21Jocelyn SanchezWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
22Joseph TerrignoStepinacMichelle and Michael Mooney Scholarship 
23Nina TuckerWPHSJohn W. Ruger Scholarship 
24Shawn VeliyathuStepinacRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
25Fernando VillagraWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
26Angelina Woltman (Cello)WPHSWPHS Music Awards 
26 awards
1Jennifer Altagracia-AbrueWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
2Theodore Chomiak (Cello)WPHSWPHS Music Awards 
3Victoria CignarellaWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
4Emma ClarkeGood CounselRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
5Matthew DesjardinStepinacJohn W. Ruger Scholarship 
6Angelica DilorioWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
7Gabriel EspinozaWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
8Morgan M. FalveyWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
9Madelyn GallardoWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
10Liza R. GellermanWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
11Melissa A. GuarinWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
12Tomas HeroldWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
13Mayra A. JadanWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
14Brian LaPlacaWPHSMichelle and Michael Mooney Scholarship 
15Hannah W. LoWPHSHenry O. Mertens Scholarship 
16Michael LotitoWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
17Claire Nataro (Flute)WPHSWPHS Music Awards 
18Lisa M. NilajGood CounselRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
19Paula PiedrahitaWPHSGeorgene Mongarella Scholarship ***
20Emily QuaratoGood CounselRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
21Blair SabolWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
22Charlie Torres-IglesiasWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
23Ayan WaiteWPHSEdward Anderberg Scholarship 
23 awards
1Marisa BarzelattoWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
2Dianna BriceWPHSHenry O. Mertens Scholarship 
3Trevor BullockStepinacJohn W. Ruger Scholarship 
4Stephanie CamposGood CounselRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
5Christopher CardonWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
6Aaron DaughtreyWPHSMichelle and Michael Mooney Scholarship 
7Jack DunningWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
8Taylor FalveyWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
9Alyssa GhilardiWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
10Tabitha GlashenWPHSFrank Mascari Scholarship ***
11Jimmy GramanjoWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
12Dorshelle GuillaumeWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
13Michelle HerzenbergWPHSEdward Anderberg Scholarship 
14Nileena JohnkuttyGood CounselThomas W. Bachman Scholarship 
15Victor LazarteWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
16Anthony MiroStepinacRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
17Omose OgalaStepinacRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
18Lekha PatelWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
19Maria SuarezWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
20Christopher TorresStepinacRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
21Arana YajayraWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
21 awards
1Josephine AlexanderWPHSWPHS Classes of 1969-70 Scholarship ***
2Freddy ArceWPHSWPHS Classes of 1969-70 Scholarship ***
3Claudia BenitezWPHSThomas W. Bachman Scholarship 
4Shaina BradyWPHSHenry O. Mertens Scholarship 
5Daniel BuonacoreStepinacRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
6Leonardo ContrerasWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
7Thomas DevinStepinacRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
8Sara EspinozaWPHSJohn W. Ruger Scholarship 
9Rodolfo GarayWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
10Robert GoldWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
11Diego GomezWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
12Maria GomezWPHSWPHS Classes of 1969-70 Scholarship ***
13Michelle GonzalezWPHSWPHS Classes of 1969-70 Scholarship ***
14Brenda LopezWPHSMichelle and Michael Mooney Scholarship 
15Gabriela Britto-LopezWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
16Yma OriaWPHSWPHS Classes of 1969-70 Scholarship ***
17Brianna OrtizGood CounselRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
18Kelsey PastoreWPHSEdward Anderberg Scholarship 
19Amanda PugliseGood CounselJohn and Gloria Bronzo Scholarship ***
20Luiz RibieroWPHSWPHS Classes of 1969-70 Scholarship ***
21Leslie SalazarWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
22Carlos SeminarioWPHSWPHS Classes of 1969-70 Scholarship ***
23Michael SurovichStepinacRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
24Paulo TrissollineWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
25Emele UkaStepinacJohn and Gloria Bronzo Scholarship ***
26Cheyenne Vlymen-WilliamsWPHSWPHS Classes of 1969-70 Scholarship ***
26 awards
1Diego AguilarWPHSJohn and Gloria Bronzo Scholarship ***
2Katherine BonnetWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
3Tynisha BriceWPHSMichelle and Michael Mooney Scholarship 
4Gustavo De AndradeWPHSThomas W. Bachman Scholarship 
5Hannah GamielWPHSWPHS Music Awards 
6Jessica GonzalezWPHSJohn W. Ruger Scholarship 
7Marlena HolterGood CounselEdward Anderberg Scholarship 
8Shawn JacksonWPHSFrank Mascari Scholarship ***
9David MansorWPHSHenry O. Mertens Scholarship 
10Angie OcampoWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
11Blake PattonWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
12Alex RetamozoWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
13Danielle SquillanteGood CounselRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
14Griffin TaylorWPHSWPHS Music Awards 
14 awards
1Joseph BarbalacoStepinacEdward Anderberg Scholarship 
2Rachel BenjaminWPHSThomas W. Bachman Scholarship 
3Regina BradyWPHSWPHS Music Awards 
4Jacob CarmenWPHSWPHS Music Awards 
5Kelly Matinez-CastroWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
6Maribel CuatecoWPHSMichelle and Michael Mooney Scholarship 
7Princess DemickisWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
8Amanda SimmonsWPHSFrank Mascari Scholarship ***
9Kevin FisherWPHSJohn W. Ruger Scholarship 
10Sam HodgesWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
11Zachary KashdanWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
12Omar LazaroWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
13Martin O’DonnellWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
14Kristie PriceGood CounselHenry O. Mertens Scholarship 
15Rodolfo RamirezWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
16Nayib ValdiviaWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
17Michael ValentinoWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
18Marie VitaliGood CounselRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
19Stephanie YeungWPHSRCWP Foundation Scholarship 
19 awards

Total winners displayed = 311

Website comments to tnygreen@alumni.princeton.edu, please. Page last saved 22-Dec-2021. Today is 3/13/2025 7:02:17 PM ET